The debates about a possible change of the Kosovo borders has taken the attention of international officials and media.
The USA said they will not stand in the way, but their stance is pretty clear. They said that if Kosovo and Serbia find an agreement about territory exchange, the EU shouldn’t stay in the way either.
Euronews brings an opinion from Florian Bieber, from the Graz University, who says that these modifications will be more complicated in theory than in theory.
There are four regions of Serbian majority in Kosovo: “Leposavic, Zvecan, Zubin Potok and Northern Mitrovica”, which, according to him, will never be under the control of the Kosovo government.
On the other hand, there are Albanian majority areas in Serbia that would go to Kosovo. While the USA may agree to this, EU may block the visa-free movement if there is the risk that this new agreement could bring another destabilization in the Balkans.
“This is a very dangerous strategy”, said Bieber, who says there could be a chain reaction in Bosnia, Macedonia and Montenegro as well.
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