Kosovo rejects visit of Serbian President, Nikolic

05/01/2017 00:00

The Serbian President, Tomislav Nikolic, will not visit Kosovo as he had
warned, according to Serbian daily news outlet “Vecerjnje Novosti”,
because official Prishtina had left his collaborators waiting for hours
at the Kosovo-Serbia border checkpoint.

Nikolic had announced his visit in Kosovo a few days ago, but it seems that he has changed his mind in the past minutes.

The government of Kosovo has rejected the request of Serbian President, Tomislav Nikolic, to visit the Shterpca commune this Friday.

Kosovo’s rejection comes after the Serbian part had not filed the request in time, as foreseen by the agreements between both countries.

The Kosovo government says that the recent behavior of Serbia and their declarations go against the collaboration spirit, against the dialogue that would serve to build healthy cooperation bridges between the two people.

These behaviors, Kosovo government say, also goes against the Serbian citizens of Kosovo, who have decided to live in this country.

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