Kosovo Prime Minister: “We don’t lose any centimeter of land from demarkation with Montenegro”

04/03/2017 00:00

The government of Kosovo approved this Friday the report of an Expert
Group that was established to prepare the controversial marking of the
border with Montenegro.

Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said on Social Networks that the report did not find any violation, and that Kosovo will not lose any centimeter of land after the agreement with Podgorica.

However, the Parliament doesn’t have the votes to ratify the agreement. The opposition and even some Parliament Members of the majority have opposed, making this way a month-long stalemate that can only be solved at the International Court of Arbitration.

The Vice Parliament Speaker, Xhavit Halit, said that the best solution now that there is a bad political climate in Kosovo, would be the International Court of Arbitration.

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