Kosovo President reiterates: “I will resign if Parliament doesn’t vote Army law”

26/03/2017 00:00

The President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci, reiterated his declaration to
resign if the draft-law that turns the Kosovo Special Forces into an
army is not voted by the Parliament.

In an interview for KosovaPress, Thaci said he trusts the Parliament Members will stand to their duty, and that Kosovo has never seen such political consensus on a single matter.

“If the declaration of independence was signed by 109 MPs, there should be at least 110 of them, ready to vote the law for creating the Kosovo Army”, Thaci said.

The President added they will wait for the Serbian MPs to return to the Kosovo institutions and vote the Constitutional amends needed for transforming the Security Forces into a proper army.

If this doesn’t happen, Kosovo will continue with the draft-law initiated by him, which is now being reviewed by the government.

Thaci said in this interview that his initiative is not rushed, but delayed. He has always made requests to return this matter in Parliament for discussions, but it has always been blocked by the Serbian Parliament Members, under Belgrade orders.

Thaci reminded once again that the international community does not agree with the way how the army is formed. But, on the other hand, they have not preserved the same interest dynamics for returning the Serbian List to the institutions which are very important for state-forming procedures. However, the President doesn’t have a date when they might reach consensus about this.

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