Kosovo Police: “We uncovered terror plans”. Assets of self-declared imams seized

17/11/2016 00:00

The Kosovo police seized the explosive that would be used during the Albania-Israel match five days before the terror act.

The Kosovo Police gave the details of their operation a few days after President Thaci officially admitted the existence of the plan for the explosion.

Police investigations showed that 18 people arrested in Kosovo were receiving orders from two ISIS fighters. Divided in groups, the 18 terrorists were operating as unique cells.

The Kosovo Police intervened on time, five days before the act. During the surveillance, they were notified about other crimes which have not been made public.

They seized 2.5 kg of explosives in a crystal form, ready for explosion, and 281 grams of TATP explosive, one of the most dangerous types in the world, in one of the houses of terrorists.

Four other suspects were arrested in Albania for assisting these cells, but it is unconfirmed if they knew about the attacks.

The Albanian police officers have not declared yet if these four suspects were aware of the attacks or not, while assisting the cells.

The Albanian government also declared several imams as persons who financed terrorism, after they were found guilty by the Albanian court for recruiting people to send them to Syria. Their bank accounts were blocked and their names were taken by the UN black list. The decision was not made public due to the  state secrecy.

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