Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti, along with the ministers of the government, paid homage today to the “Adem Jashari” cemetery complex in Prekaz, on the day of the 22nd anniversary of the launch of NATO bombing against Serbian targets.
Kurti called Prekaz, a place of sacrifice and union.
“Three generations of the Jashari family were killed here by Serbian forces, but their heroic fall raised on their feet of the Albanian people, gave impetus to the Kosovo Liberation Army and the international awareness, which on March 24, 1999 sent its strongest alliance to counter the history’s worst genocidal state, such as (Slobodan) Milosevic’s Serbia,” said Kurti.
He also said that “justice for this crimes of Serbia has not been established “.
Twenty-three years ago, in Prekaz of Skenderaj, during the attacks of Serbian forces in this village more than 50 members of the Jashari Family were killed. On March 24, 1999, by order of the former NATO Secretary General, Javier Solana, NATO forces launched airstrikes against Serbs in Kosovo and Serbia.
After 78 days of NATO bombing, Slobodan Milosevic, Serbia’s then president, surrendered in June 1999 and accepted the Kumanovo Agreement. On June 10, the Security Council adopted Resolution 1244, by which temporarily administering Kosovo by the UN agencies and by the the KFOR military presence. Kosovo, in partnership with the international community on February 17, 2008, declared its independence.
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