Kosovo, parliament supports action in north

21/10/2011 00:00

The MPs of the Kosovo Parliament support the KFOR and EULEX operation in
the northern part of the country, for removing the Serbian roadblocks.

The Kosovo lawmakers condemned the violence against the peacekeeping troops of KFOR by the local Serbs.

Prime Minister Hashim Thaci declared that the operation of KFOR and EULEX is in full coordination with the local institutions. He underlined that the government’s commitment and that of the international institutions will serve to the rule of law, and for this he fully believes that they will be successful.

On the same time, the opposition has greeted the operation undertaken by KFOR and EULEX.

However, some opposition MPs say that the northern situation shows the impotence of the local institutions for controlling this part of Kosovo.

KFOR takes Adriatic routes under control

Last night was calm in Northern Kosovo, but not without tensions. The KFOR soldiers have met an irritated mob from the Serbian citizens of Jegenica.

By 01:00, KFOR was able to take under control the entire Adriatic route, including the Zupc village.

While in Bernjak, KFOR took the border checkpoint and extended the control area.

There are many KFOR soldiers in these area, while every vehicle that passes this way undergoes strict searches.

More than 300 KFOR vehicles have arrived in Caber of Northern Kosovo, while the concrete roadblock at the Zupce entrance was removed without problem and the road is clear.

KFOR has entered 3 km beyond the Caber village, approaching to the big roadblock. Here is reported that KFOR has also set barbed wires.

During the intervention in Jagenica, KFOR was attacked with stones by Serbian mobs, what has caused eight injuries among the international forces.

Top-Channel’s journalist, Arta Berisha, reported that the German and Austrian soldiers of KFOR are staying at the top of the highest hill in Cader, 800 km from the Zupce and Jagonica roadblocks, and they seem to be establishing a long-term camp. 

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