Head of the OSCE mission in Kosovo, Edward Joseph, appealed for calm and avoiding tensions.
In a press release, the ambassador appealed all leaders to avoid harsh rhetoric and cooperate with KFOR and EULEX, who are helping to ease the tensions.
“The dialogue between all parties has a great significance for resolving these open cases”, Joseph declared.
Security Council, Session for Northern Kosovo
The Security Council of United Nations is discussing about the situation in Northern Kosovo.
According to Serbian media, Belgrade is expected to be represented by the Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic, who is currently in a visit to Liban.
Serbian President Boris Tadic, right after being made aware about the action undertaken by ROSU in Northern Kosovo, contacted the European Council, NATO and UN.
Thaci: EULEX did not support us
Prime Minister Hashim Thaçi declared in today’s government meeting that EULEX is not showing any will to support Kosovo institutions.
According to the head of the government, EULEX was notified for the action that was undertaken in the border, but refused to offer help.
“This hesitation and the refusal are in full contrast with the role of this mission in Kosovo. In order to maintain our sovereign authority, and within our competences and international obligations, we will not allow our sovereignty to be eternally infringed”, Thaci declared.
According to him, Kosovo will not be used as a transit country for Serbian goods, which contradicts EU and western principles.
Kosovo, northern Serbs declare state of emergency
Northern Kosovo parallel structures declared state of emergency.
According to Top-Channel sources in Northern Mitrovice, this decision was introduced after the Serbs failed to achieve an agreement with KFOR commander.
KFOR commander, Erhard Buhler held several meetings with officials of the parallel structures in Northern Kosovo. Buhler also attended a meeting with Serbian main negotiator, Borko Stefanovic.
Top-Channel correspondents have interviewed two citizens in northern Kosovo who tried to pass border checkpoint 31, but were not allowed to enter Serbia.
According to them, more than 400 Serbian citizens have blocked the checkpoint and are not allowing anyone to cross through.
Tadic: Will not enter any conflict
Serbian President Boris Tadic criticized the action undertaken by Kosovo Police Units in the border checkpoints, but he declared that Serbia will not enter a new conflict.
“Serbia does not want war, but we want to warn that the usage of violence and all other violent means amounts to great risks”, Tadic declared during his visit in Prague, where he was honored with the Polish prize for his contribute in economic and democratic reforms in Eastern Europe.
Tadic expressed his conviction that most Serbian citizens do not support the appeals for military intervention in Kosovo.
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