Kosovo exports in the EU

04/01/2012 19:50

The Liaison Office of the European Commission in Prishtina announces
that one day before the New Year’s Day of 2012 has entered in act the
decision that enables the Kosovo businesses to export their goods in EU

“The autonomous trade measures that enable Kosovo exporters to have a free approach to the EU market has returned on December 30th 2011”, says the press communication of the Liaison Office of European Commission in Prishtina.

“This is the most important decision for the Kosovo businesses that export at the EU. The recovery of the trade preferences will enable to the Kosovo businesses an easier approach to the EU, and will push Kosovo’s exportations forward”, declared Khaldoun Sinno, the head of the Liaison Office of European Commission in Kosovo.

These trade measures are applied in all Western Balkan markets, and secure a free approach in the EU for all goods that derive from the region.

Kosovo used to have these preferences in the past, but the regime ended on 31 December 2010.

The new rule was approved by the European Council on 24 November 2011.

All goods originating from Kosovo will be able to enter the EU market freely and without any limits until 2015. All custom taxes that have been paid to the EU countries will also be refunded.

These measures favor the development of the trade between the EU and the region, and will encourage direct foreign investments and the economic development.

In 2010, the total value of Kosovo’s export to the EU had reached 147 million EUR.

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