The candidate of the Democratic Party for the Municipality of Tirana,
Halim Kosova, met this Wednesday with residents of Lapraka, at Unit 9.
He shared his ideas for the development of the city and underlined the
message for the importance of their vote.
After an unemployed woman in Lapraka asked for lower taxes and employment, the opposition candidate gave with a signature the promise for 40.000 new jobs.
Kosova declared that June 21st should be the day when every citizen should go voting and not lose this chance.
In a meeting with the residents of Unit 9, Kosova spoke about the principles of his government and the administration of the new muncipality.
“I am convinced that we have a lot to do. Not everything will be done within one day. We will start on the 22nd and we will not stop for a single day”, Kosova declared, after underlining that the bigger the problems of the citizens, the bigger the hope for victory”.
“We will bring hope in every home. We will bring life. We will build welfare and will make the best not only for your neighborhood, but for all Tirana. There is no other chance than having a manager with a good experience. No abuses should be allowed with the funds that are there for you”, Kosova declared.
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