Korce, three family members killed

24/07/2014 00:00

A tragedy took place this Wednesday in Korce, where a 50-year-old has killed his family members.

The news was given by the local police, which says that the man in question has first killed his wife and then their child.

Sources say that the tragedy took place in Boboshtica. The motives are still unclear.

This tragedy took place only two days after the one in the Suk village of Fier, where a 73-year-old did not agree with the engagement of his niece, and for that reason he killed his two brothers, the niece, his sister in law and then shot himself after failing to escape.

A similar tragedy took place earlier this month in Grec village of the Peze Commune, Tirana, where three members of the Kolgjini family were found dead.

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