Korce, no market for apples

01/11/2011 00:00

The Korce district, well known for the cultivation of apples, is facing a
lack of demand, which marks great losses for the local farmers.

The Devoll area is also lacking of premises where to store and sell thousands of kilograms of apples. Even in the past years, Korce’s apples have remained in stock due to the lack of demand. The farmers have been obliged to sell them under cost or throw them.

The work of an entire year is lost, and the farmers complain of lacking of fridges and wholesale collection points. The wholesale traders who come from other districts, according to them, are often abusive with the prices.

The lack of premises to store the apples has hampered the entrance of these farmers in the market, causing constant financial loses. The Korce region is known for the production of this fruit. They have cultivated it massively and have created a very strong competition.

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