The National Museum of Education in Korce is commemorating the 82-nd
anniversary of the death of Marigo Posiso, the girl that sew the
independence flag. She was one of the first students of the first
Albanian school.
In the activity organized for this event were exposed for the first time the only remaining relicts of the Posio family and Marigo.
“Marigo Posio is a figure that has many merits in the history of Albania, of Korce and in the consolidation of the Albanian woman. Today we have put on display relicts of the Posio family”, declared Niko Kotherja, Director of the National Museum of Education.
For the relatives of Marigo, this display is a special honor and respect for the family, even for the fact that in this building she took the first lessons of the Albanian language.
“Today is the 82nd anniversary of her death and I am very happy, because Marigo is commemorated in a building where she was a student. She was the 27th student registered in this school. This is a novelty for Korce, because the former memories were made in Vlore. Marigo should be remembered in this museum”, declared Violeta Pojani, niece of Marigo.
Albanian and foreign visitors showed high interest in the exhibit organized for the 82nd anniversary of the death of Marigo Posio.
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