Killer of 8 family members finally caught on Saturday morning

11/08/2018 11:29

The author of yesterday’s massacre where 8 people were left dead was finally caugth on Saturday morning by police forces after several hours of search and pursuit in the suburbs near his village.

According to information from the field, the operation for capturing Ridvan Zyka, during his hiding did nit pose any danger the community of the area, while the weapon with which the crime was commited was found nearby.

Top Channel learned that the reason that led the author to this terrible crime is thought to be a property dispute. He killed his grandfather’s brother, his wife, the couple’s two sons, and his granddaughter’s 14 and 6 years of age.

Even though it was previously supposed the killer had mental health problems, sources told Top Channel that Ridvan Zykaj was not known as such, but as a drug user.

The dispute started after a festive event held in the village. The author argued with one of the victims for a fence from which he was offended, and in cold blood he went to get his kallashnikov rifle and committed the macabre act.

After the killings, Ridvan Zykaj quickly left the scene. But after he was caught he was escorted to the Vlora police department, where he will then be subjected to tests for his mental health. He is chargeed with “murder of two or more persons”.

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