Killer bank robber arrested

30/03/2012 00:00

The Tirana Police has arrested the suspect bank robber that killed a cashier in Tirana, and injured the security guard.

The young man was arrested at the Don Bosko area. His name is Viktori Gushi and the police concluded that he is also the killer of the jewelry store owner, Rrapo Sinanaj, who was killed during an attempted robbery on October 2011, and also author of five other violent robberies in Tirana.

The Tirana Police declared since this Wednesday that the weapon used in the bank robbery murder was the same that shot and killed Rrapo Sinani.

He was arrested after the police distributed his sketch in all police divisions in Tirana, and after taking dozens of others un custody.

The author is the person that appears in the security camera footage near the crime scene. The photo for his description was taken from the security cameras.

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