KESH: No floods from water discharge

09/02/2015 00:00

The Albanian Energy Corporation (KESH) declared that the floods in Obot
have not been caused by the discharging of hydropower plants.

“The areas beloe the sea level do get flooded even in normal rainy days. This situation was not created due to the controlled discharges of KESH”, says Ilir Belba.

KESH guarantees that no floods will be created in Shkoder by the hydropower plants, because the water levels and the water flow are in optimal levels.

“Referring to the forecast, Shkoder should be calm because there will be no floods from the Drin river. Even the other rivers are under surveillance by KESH, and there is no dangerous flow in there”, Belba declared.

The corporation says they are discharging 900 cubic meters water per second. The Production Director says that water discharges are dangerous for floods with a flow more than 1450 cubic meter per second, a level that has no chances to take place. The water discharge will be lower with time.

KESH: When OSHEE bought energy, we didn’t fulfill the legal conditions

KESH has explained for the first time why they didn’t sell energy directly to the Distribution Operator. The Strategic Management Director, Erideta Bashi, declared that on January 25th, when OSHEE bought energy, they had not completed the legal conditions for KESH to sell.

“KESH was at the water level of 288 meters. If KESH could not forecast the flow level and for how long they would take, they would sell to OSHEE the entire energy necessary for covering losses. The Ferza level would also drop with 4 meters. This would damage the safety of the country water supply for the months to come”, Bashi declared.

The Strategic Management Director says that the water level that forces KESH to sell energy was achieved only on February 1st, when the OSHEE had bought the entire energy. The Corporation was forced to sell the excessive energy in the free market. For February, KESH has sold 8.39 million EUR of energy, with an average price of 30.83 EUR per mega. The Director says this price goes in line with the stock markets of the region, although the market’s situation is not favorable.

Selling energy from KESH to private operators with a lower price then OSHEE, turned into another hot political debate. The opposition called this a criminal scheme that made profits for merchants, while the energy could have been sold directly to the distribution operator”.

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