Kerry and Ashton dialogue on Kosovo

15/02/2013 18:50

The EU High Representative, Baroness Catherine Ashton, attended a
meeting with the US State Secretary, John Kerry, about the most
important part of the Prishtina-Belgrade dialogue, which is expected to
take place in the next meeting in Brussels, between the Prime Ministers
of Kosovo and Serbia.

A declaration released by the cabinet of Catherine Ashton, to which REL is referring, says that she is not surprised that Kosovo was one of the topics they discussed, since the US is an important partner in these efforts.

The US State Secretary thanked the EU representatives for the efforts made in the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, which addresses the existing challenges between the two countries.

He valued that Ashton is working to find a final solution between the countries.

Kerry: Supporting independent Kosovo

The US State Secretary, John Kerry, congratulated the people of Kosovo for the fifth anniversary of independence.

“On behalf of President Obama and the US people, I have the pleasure to give the best wishes to the people of Kosovo on the fifth anniversary of independence”, the message declared.

“The year we left behind was full of achievements for Kosovo, starting with the ending of the supervised independence, the EBRD membership and the progress in the dialogue for normalizing the relation with Serbia”, Kerry declared, confirming once again the friendship between Kosovo and the US.

“The US remains committed to support an independent, sovereign and multi-ethnic Kosovo”, declared the US Chief of Diplomacy, who valued the engagement of the Kosovo leadership in the consolidation of institutions.

“While you celebrate this special day, you must know that the US will stay close to Kosovo as a partner and friend. I wish more achievements to the people of Kosovo in the year that has just started”, Kerry declared.

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