The Democratic Party wants to take back Kajava through Engjell Cara.
Basha declared that the central and local governments have failed in
“Regression, economic depression, unemployment and killing of hope are the biggest fautls of Rama, Meta and Elvis Roshi”, Basha declared.
The opposition leader declared that the Mayor of Kavaja has a double identity to escape the criminal past. He said that he is now hiding from his citizens because his government did not keep any promise.
“Where are the 97% less people who pay less taxes? Everyone pays more. The electricity bills have become unaffordable”, Basha underlined.
The opposition leader introduced the candidates of Rrogozhina, Divjaka and Lushnja, by paying more attention to the vote of every single citizen, in order to undo the consequences of the elections of two years ago.
“You will decide with your vote if you want the politics that suffocates thousands of families, if you want to keep going with the politics of lies and if you will be humiliated for a second time, or if a sack of flour or 2000-3000 ALL will make you sign individual agreements, which is what they are using to buy your spirit until the next elections”, Basha declared.
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