Karadjic sentenced to 40 years in prison for Serbian massacres in Bosnia

24/03/2016 15:40

The Court of Hague has sentenced to 40 years in prison the former leader
of the Bosnian Serbs, Radovan Karadjic, who was charged on several

The Judge found Karadjic not guilty for genocide, but found them guilty for crimes against humanity in various areas of Bosnia; for violating the war laws, etc.

Karadjic, currently 70 years old, denied the accusations of the court and argued that every atrocity that was committed has been the personal decision of some individuals and not of the troops he commanded.

At least 100.000 people died in Bosnia, a conflict that lasted 4 years, until an agreement was reached with intermediation from the USA in 1995.

The court against Karadjic had been going on for eight years.

Karaxhiç, gusht 1995

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