Justice reform; US Secretary of State ranks Albanian official among the 12 ‘anti-corruption champions’

23/02/2021 19:47

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has ranked Albanian Judge and member of the Judicial Appointments Council, Ardian Dvorani, among the 12 most prominent personalities in the fight against corruption in the world.

A statement from the Secretary of State mentioned the names of 12 personalities from all over the world who are appreciated for their work.

Lawyer Ardian Dvorani has a long history in the Justice system in Albania, and a high commitment to the Justice Reform. After the publication of the news about the evaluation of the lawyer Ardian Drovani, Prime Minister Rama said:

“The high appreciation of the new Secretary of State for Ardian Dvorani is an extraordinary encouragement for all those who fight for the Justice Reform, in this phase of fighting with the Evil. Ardian Dvorani was hit precisely because he did not give in to the pressure of Evil and this radiant assessment melts away the soiling of political and media immorality. The right may be delayed but does not forget.”

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