Justice reform, Rama formalizes request for Basha: “Let’s have dialogue”

31/03/2016 12:45

The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, sent a public letter to his
opponent, Lulzim Basha, to formalize the request made one day ago for
dialogue with the opposition.

Rama said that this meeting would not interfere with the current political relations or with important commissions. Rama said that it will be one mechanism more for the communication between parties.

“This dialogue will not replace any other institutional communication form between the government and the opposition. This is a new mechanism for the communication between the political parties in Albania. Let’s try to gie our people and our partners the evidence of joint cooperation”, Rama said.

By asking Basha to express his will about such a forum, Rama allows the opposition to propose a format for the way how this forum will work.

“We are ready! Are you?”, the Prime Minister concludes.


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