Justice reform, Meta: “It must pass soon”

04/05/2016 11:25

In a press conference held in Tirana for the justice system, Parliament
Speaker Ilir Meta said in front of students that the justice reform is
necessary for the country and it should pass soon.

“The justice reform is a condition for opening the EU accession negotiations, an obligation to fulfill the standards of a NATO country. It is necessary for the Constitutional Reforms to pass in the upcoming weeks, not months. Otherwise, the integration agenda of our country will be delayed. The elections are getting closer and the political discordance gets only stronger in this period. Everything goes against the reform”, the Parliament Speaker said.

Meta said that for the points where there is no consensus, they should follow the recommendations of EURALIUS.

“I will do everything possible to encourage a cooperating climate, so that the divergences are closed as soon as possible and the main laws pass. This way we can send strong messages to the Albanian citizens, saying that the reform was not a game to leave responsibility to others, but it aims to make Albania stronger”, Meta said.
The Minister of Justice, Ylli Manjani, said that the reforms must start with the judiciary, since it is not credible.

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