Justice Reform, Academy of Sciences votes civil society members

18/01/2017 00:00

Since the High Councils of the Judiciary and Prosecution need to have
one member from the civil society, the Academy of Sciences discussed
today four names proposed by their assembly: Muzafer Korkuti, Vasil
Tole, Marenglen Verli and Ethem Lika.

Artan Fuga, who was not present in the meeting, had written a letter opposing the four names, sauing they were not discussed at the Assembly. His idea was supported by some academics.

Finally, the academics decided to add among the candidates the names of Artan Fuga, Floresha Dado and Beqir Meta, removing the name of Ethem Lika, since he didn’t fulfill the age criterion.

The debates continued, even with higher tones, about the voting procedure.

The most voted were Beqir Meta and Muzafer Korkuti for the High Council of Prosecution, Vasil Tole and Floresha Dado for the High Council of Judiciary. Artan Fuga’s candidacy was rejected.

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