The Minister of Justice, Ylli Manjani, and the Mayor of Tirana, Erion
Veliaj, distributed property titles for 1352 apartments which had registration
The Minister of Justice said that the new government instruction does not allow a property to be sold to more than one person, and it also passes the burden for preparing the documents to government institutions.
“The good news is not the instruction, but the result. And the result is that today we will begin with the first apartment buildings, for 1352 families in Tirana. 14 apartment buildings with a total value of 140 million EUR will receive a higher value in today’s market”, said Mayor Erion Veliaj.
He underlined that despite the difficulties on terrain, the Municipality of Tirana is determined to face this problem and allow citizens to give value to their property.
These are the homes of the first 14 apartment buildings. There are 300 buildings in Tirana, with more than 20.000 apartments that do not have official property titles.
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