Judiciary reform, Xhafaj: “Reform will not be sacrified for consensus”

06/08/2015 00:00

The Chairman of the Judiciary Reform informed journalists about the
progress reached so far, saying that consensus has been the key word
these past eight months, but this also has a limit, since consensus
should serve to the reform and no one should damage the reform because
of consensus.

While the opposition abandoned the first and last meeting of the commission,Xhafaj says that the cooperation with the opposition is necessary to have a stable reform in time and values. But the quality of this cooperation is more important than just cooperation.

Xhafaj explains there are two propositions for constitutional amends that involve the electing of the President. Nothing has been decided yet if the President will be elected with 50%+1 votes of the Parliament, by the people or with 3/5th of the Parliament. The President will have more competences if voted with 3/5th of the Parliament.

Xhafaj left to be understood that the votes of the opposition for constitutional amends. When asked where would the majority find 93 votes, he said that the opposition has not opposed the process so far, but they have requested international presence as a condition for certification.

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