Judiciary Reform, Ombudsman verified candidates for Vetting process

17/02/2017 00:00

The Ombudsman published this Friday two lists with the persons who have
fulfilled the criteria to be part of the new Vetting institutions. These
institutions will vet judges and prosecutors, as part of the biggest
judiciary reform ever held in Albania.

The accepted candidates are Albana Shtylla, General Secretary of the Parliament, former Prosecutor General Ina Rama; Shpresa Beçaj, former President of the Supreme Court, and former member of the High Council of Justice, judge Sokol Çomo.

The Ombudsman verified 192 applications, from which 29 have fulfilled the criteria for being part of the Justice and Prosecution Supreme Councils. 163 did not fulfill the criteria for each position.

The lists were sent to the International Monitoring Operation, which has two weeks to review them and create a third list, the “black list”, which includes the names of the candidates who do not fulfill the criteria. The list will then be sent back to the Ombudsman.

Kandidatët që nuk plotësojnë kriteret formale

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