Judiciary reform, Hajdari: “Prosecutors will be held responsible”

19/10/2015 15:30

The Prosecution is constantly failing with notorious cases, with
defendants ending up not guilty. The Chairman of the Association of
Prosecutors, Shkelqim Hajdari, thinks that the responsibility should
focus on how the investigations are carried out.

During an interview for Top Channel, the Prosecutor of Appeal confirmed the reform is expected to bring novelties, which give responsibility directly to the Prosecutor.

When we say that we take them to court and the court finds them not guilty, I think that this problem will be over with the expected amends. Prosecutors will be more careful for a case because they will be reviewed professionally”, Hajdari declared.

For Prosecutor Hajdari, the reform should start from the Prosecution.

“The reform is very important for our country. The reform at the Prosecution is the most important part of the reform. This is because the challenge for the integration and fulfillment of the criteria to fight organized crime and corruption through the judiciary reform is not up to the constitutional institutions, not only to the judiciary, but the most important of all is the Prosecution’s institution and the Albanian prosecutors, people who will investigate from the smallest criminals and the highest officials”, he says.

The analytical document for the Prosecution identified as a problem the politicization of the process for appointing the Prosecutor General, and the lack of independence in an investigation. The appointing and promoting of Prosecutors was considered as a process not based on professional bases, since the role of the Prosecution is seen as insignificant. For this, the expected reforms will change the High Council of the Prosecution, which will receive full competences to appoint Prosecutors but also to nominate the Prosecutor General.

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