Judges, SP and SMI reject Nishani

01/07/2014 00:00

After receiving the candidate status, the main obligation for Albania is
now the judiciary. However, the Albanian institutions are not being
able to find consensus for the appointing of Supreme Court judges.

The appointing process of three judges in this court has remained blocked between the President and the Parliament. Although the consultations of the Head of States with the leaders of Parliamentary Groups for the selection criteria of the Supreme Court members have already been consumed, the majority thinks that the President’s approach to this process remains far from the obligation that Nishani has for implementing the Parliament’s competence and for approving the decrees for the appointments of Supreme Court judges.

For this reason, the two Parliamentary groups of the majority, the Socialist Party and the Socialist Movement for Integration, addressed to the President with a letter that Top Channel has also secured, in which they appeal him once again to implement his legal obligations for this process, suggesting the reopening of the selection process for the new appointments at the Supreme Court.

Gramoz Ruci and Petrit Vasili presented a series of legal arguments to the President, which, according to them, should be taken in consideration.

Ruci and Vasili remind the decision of the Constitutional Court, which, according to them, obliges the selection of the Supreme Court members through a loyal, and institutional cooperation between the Parliament and the President. In the letter sent to Nishani, the heads of the majority underline that the President is required to conduct a selective process based on legal criteria, and not based on personal perceptions or political preferences”.

The president’s consultations with the parliamentary groups have avoided the discussion of the additional criteria which are based on the list of candidates, as obliged by the legal amends. The President’s meeting have been formal and they have not recognized the completion level of the objective criteria for each of the candidates that Nishani has selected.

Convinced that the candidacies for the Supreme Court need to fulfill the highest level of quality, convinced that the corruption which is found everywhere in the state structures and especialli in the judiciary needs the commitment of judges with moral and professional integrity, Ruci and Vasili ask the President to review his stance on this process.

“So that he will not be held hostage of the previous lists of candidates, the majority requests the reopening of candidacies for the Supreme Court members. It is in our trust that the finding of characters with moral and professional integrity is a question that belongs to the President, and it is a huge constitutional, legal and moral, and political responsibility of the Parliament”.

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