Judges: “Reform is not against the judiciary, but for the judiciary”

04/02/2017 00:00

The National Association of Judges reacted a few days after the US Embassy revoked visas for 23 judges and prosecutors.

Emphasizing that sovereign decisions of a friendly country should not be commented, Judges say they cannot stay silent for the attacks coming from politics.

“We cannot stay silent when public officials and specific segments launch exaggerated accusations against judiciary institutions, claiming we don’t want the reform”, the statement says.

The association reminds that judiciary members have contributed to the preparation of this reform, but pressure against them has been growing each day more.

“The judiciary has unjustly been considered as the ‘rotten apples’ of the public administration, as the evil which should be fought. This has grown to the point that people are seeing the reform as if it was against the judiciary, rather than for the judiciary”, the statement continues.

Judges add that the rhetoric used against the system may be amplified and used to pressure the new constitutional institutions.

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