“Judges divided over January 21st”

24/09/2013 00:00

The Court of Appeal decision of January 21st brought a new wave of
reaction from the public opinion regarding the credibility of judges and
the justice system.

Top Channel has learned that the judge panel itself has had if not debates, at least different opinions about the decision that convicted the defendants (Ndrea Prendi and Agim Llupo_ of this case with only involuntary manslaughter.

The Court rejected the claims of the Prosecution and reclassified the charges from murder to involuntary manslaughter. But the verdict was not unanimous.

Judge Evgjeni Sinoimeri has voted against what her two colleagues had decided, Agim Bendo and Ervin Metalla. Sinoimeri rejected the verdict of the Court of First Instance for innocence, and also the verdict taken by Bendo and Metalla for involuntary manslaughter, supporting the Prosecution for murder.

Since she was a minority, her opinion has not been taken in consideration.

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