Judges caught “copying”. Union of Judges request against “Vetting”, identical to that of DP

21/11/2016 00:00

The Constitutional Court will have this Tuesday the first public hearing
session for the Vetting Law, now turned into a condition for opening
the EU negotiations.

The session of this Tuesday is not decision-making, because the verdict is expected after December 10th, when the Venice commission will publisht its opinion for the standards of the law that makes an evaluation of judges and prosecutors.

Judges have received two requests to declare the law as anti-constitutional, one from the Democratic Party and one from the Union of Judges.

What makes the matter even more interesting, is that the two requests are very similar to each other. The judges who handed over their complaint a few months after the Democratic Party, have “loaned” some paragraphs from the request of the DP.

Top Channel compared the two documents and it appeared that they are identical, word per word, in all 11 paragraphs.

Judges, same as the opposition, raise concerns against the Vetting Asset Inspectorate by using the same phrases, same commas. They have preserved even quotation marks in which they describe the constitutional relations between the vetting institutions.

The same thing goes with all 11 paragraphs. Judges have preserved even italics, in which the opposition mentions the Vetting.

At least the Constitutional Court Judges will have it easy to review both complaints, because their colleagues have just photocopied the most important parts of the first one.

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