The Union of Judges opposes the draft-laws for legal amends at the High
Council of Justice. The Union has expressed this concern in a letter
sent to the Commission of Laws and the Delegation of the European
The Union of Judges sees with concern the law amends through which the High Council of Justice takes the right to suspend judges when they are undergoing an investigation.
In an interview for Top Channel, the Chairman of the Union, Ervin Metalla, declared that this disposition puts in danger the independence of the judiciary.
“The Union expressed its concern about this disposition. We want to help politics with the law enforcing process, so that standards can be preserved. The independence of the judiciary is exposed in a delicate way towards other parties. Even if we didn’t think about the independence of the judiciary, this disposition doesn’t serve to the fight against corruption, because if a judge would be suspended, he would know that he is being tried and he could affect the investigation. With this disposition are created unequal standards for judges and prosecutors”, Metalla declared.
For the Union, this legal amend affects the Constitution too.
“If this law is approved, we could send it to the Constitutional Court, because we know that it is against the Constitution and we believe in the functionality of the rule of law”, Metalla declared.
The Union says that it would be advisable to make this project part of the initiative fr the judiciary reform, which affects many areas and laws, and addresses the recommendations of the progress reports of the European Union in years.
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