A Top Channel reporter called Judge of the Tropoja Court Sami Ujkashi to interview him about his decision to give the green light on the hydro power plant being built on the valley of Valbona. He refused to respond.
Although Top Channel reporter Rudina Muça stayed for hours before the Court of Tropoja, judge Ujkashi did not came to work and did not comment on the issue. His decision to overthrow a higher court ruling has caused concern in the Ministry of Justice, but also irritation to the residents of the area.
On June 31st, the District Court of Tropoja exceeded its competences by violating the law. For this reason, the Ministry of Justice publicly demanded from from the High Council of Justice to inspect Judge Sami Ujkashi .
“The Ministry of Justice has taken all actions in the implementation of constitutional and legal obligations over a decision that was openly in violation of the law. Also, we will continue to take all the appropriate actions for this case”, said Deputy Minister of Justice, Toni Gogu.
Citizens of Bajram Curri are outraged not only with the decision of Judge Sami Ujkashi, but also with the plan to destroy the valley of Valbona. They point out that this is a tourist asset of any Albanian and will become the property of a single person who is seeking to build a hydro power plant.
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