Judge who opposed Vetting Law selected for Appointment Council

27/01/2017 11:05

The Justice Reform, biggest one since the fall of
communism, started with the creation of the Justice Appointment

The Socialist Party accused the current High Council of Justice for bringing their candidates without transparency, but the request was rejected by the Parliament Assembly, with Speaker Meta saying none of them had the competences of a Court to decide about that.

The procedure was done in presence of OPDAT and EURALIUS, but the biggest surprise might have been the selection of Judge Besnik Imeraj, who voted against the Vetting Law.

The new Justice Appointment Council will vet and rank candidates who will run for the Constitutional Court and for the Justice High Inspectorate.

However, there is still another obstacle at the Constitutional Court. The Appointment Council is part of the law that the Democratic Party has challenged at the Constitutional Court.

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