Judge sues daughter of former prime minister Berisha for 500 thousand euro bribe accusations

19/10/2024 16:17

Judge Irena Gjoka, who followed the case of the privatizations in which former Albanian prime minister Sali Berisha was convicted, today filed a request to investigate the statements made publicly by his daughter Argita Malltezi, who accuses her of taking bribes of 500,000 euros.

Malltezi made the allegations last month, saying that Gjoka was corrupt, but this was rejected by the judge.

Immediately after the request, through a public letter, Argita Malltezi states that she is familiar with the report, while ironically calling the judge a “symbol of justice reform”.

“I don’t know the object and content of the act because I haven’t received the notification yet. But whatever dress Mrs. Spata Maneku Gjoka decided to wear, this act proves the abuse of justice. There is no legal provision that gives SPAK the right to investigate cases where the complainant or the defendant is a prosecutor or judge of special justice. This is an extra-legal and abusive practice created by them. This practice is used by judges and prosecutors of special bodies so that through each other they wash their hands of the criminal offenses they commit”, declared Malltezi.

While calling the accuser “judge with three surnames”, Berisha’s daughter further stated:

“The act of the lady who juggles with the surnames is related to her big problem of violating the law which I have reported to the Prosecutor’s Office of Tirana, for prosecutors Millonai and Kraja, judge Spata Maneku Gjoka and judge Oldashiper, for a series of criminal offenses in the procedure of the case of the Criminal Code, specifically the criminal offense ‘Abuse of duty’ in cooperation provided by Article 248 of the Penal Code, ‘Committing arbitrary actions’ provided by Article 250 of the Code, and ‘Failure to take measures to stop an illegal situation’ , provided by article 251 of the Criminal Code.

“However, I appreciate this occasion as an excellent opportunity to tell the juggler of surnames those questions that I addressed publicly; Have you been expelled from Greece for criminal offences? Is there a video in which she was recorded negotiating with a former deputy of the SP to receive the sum of 500 thousand euros in exchange for legal favours for this former deputy? I call on her once again to answer this question, which is in the interest of the public. I also encourage the media to investigate this issue”, added Malltezi in response.

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