The law has been toughened and punishes murder in the family with up to life imprisonment, while specialized local services must offer help to survivors of violence, but there are still unsolved challenges.
Judge Adriatik Bocaj, who has given hundreds of protection orders for family members, has given statistics in the podcast “Talk to Anila Hoxha” today on Top Albania Radio.
“Domestic violence does not depend on where you come from, who you are, what education you have, what status you have. Domestic violence is between two people, between parents-children, husband-wife and all. We have had cases of MPs in the parliament who have used violence against their spouses. In these cases we speak without names. The names exist in the court, it is the decisions that are reflected.”
The judge further added: “A protection order has been granted for those who were members of the Parliament of Albania. In one case, someone said ‘I am an MP’- and I told him – ‘And so that you are a deputy? The law is equal for all. If it is proven that you have used violence against your wife, the law will be applied like everyone else. But the biggest surprise was that in the confirmation session, the woman asked not to approve the order because ‘the matter has been settled’. There was no more violence”, reveals judge Bocaj.
Asked by journalist Anila Hoxha if MPs have immunity even when they commit domestic violence, he clarified that: “This law goes beyond what we call immunity. We don’t care if you have immunity or not. The law does not exclude anyone. In cases where there are no witnesses, when there is no other evidence, then I follow a practice of external examination of the victim, and give the defense order, or from the discussions of the parties in court and from the way they get angry in the court session, they show that there is violence and we give the protection order”.
According to the judge, Adriatik Bocaj, this year alone, 2327 women have received immediate protection orders from the police. But while the judges give decisions that then lead to the involvement of the victim in the criminal trial mechanism, many women withdraw. The reason why this happens is explained by the judge.
“Women are usually tied economically by the income that the man makes and this is one of the reasons why they withdraw, in the case where there is violence. Or we have other cases that stimulate, due to the lack of income to benefit. The vulnerable part always uses this to get this income.”
In his 30-year career, there is one case that the judge remembers as it unfortunately ended in the murder of the violated woman, despite having been provided with a protection order.
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