For the third consequent year, the Media Foundation, “Dritan Hoxha”,
held the ceremony for the journalism awards. Different from the past two
editions, this year’s had a wider number of journalism genres.
250 applicants competed in investigative journalism, multimedial report and online journalism. It was an exciting evening for the competitors, when the Written Press Award was given to Julian Hoxha; the Multimedial Report and the Online Journalism award were given to Gentiana Muskaj, while the award for the Xhentjana Muskaj, and the Social Video Award by Arisa Lico.
The handing over of these awards on this day has a special significance. On this date, six years ago, passed away the founder of Top Media, Dritan Hoxha, the person who not only revolutionized the media market in Albania, but changed the social context in the Albanian market and even wider, in the entire region.
The Head of the Jury, Mentor Kikia, explains more about the competition.
“It was really difficult to chose, because you had to read, listen and watch all materials so that you can be really righteous with the competitorsr. There is no proper award in the Albanian journalism to show the journalists values, and the Dritan Hoxha Foundation is the only award that stimulates the youth and those who love this country. We base our potential on the youth, because Dritan Hoxha based his trust on the youth to establish this media. Dritan didn’t simply create a media, but a school of journalism, a social school”, Kikia declared.
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