John Kerry: “Albania, on the right track”. Rama: “Justice Reform, by March”

14/02/2016 00:00

The country is on the right track with the reforms, especially as
regards the fight against crime, corruption and the reinforcing of the
rule of law.

This was the message given by the US State Department, John Kerry, in his press release held after the meeting with PM Rama.

“Albania is moving towards the right track, and I trust that the awareness about the laws need for the fight against corruption has been embraced by all. I was impressed by the drafting of the decriminalization law. I was encouraged by the justice reform and I would like to underline that this is something that politics is working hard to realize. This requires the support of every Albanian citizen. The USA is on your side, but only the Albanian citizens can pass the necessary laws and insist for their implementation”, Kerry declared.

PM Edi Rama confirmed that the justice reform was part of the talks. Rama said he was convinced that the Parliament would pass it within March. He based this conviction also on the encouragement received by the US Diplomat.

“We discussed the justice reform. We are grateful to the USA for the help given to our country and for the work offered by the US experts in the technical team of the justice reform. Our joint objective is to have the constitutional amends passed by March. I trust that we will make it, and the fact that we have the support of the USA makes this success certain”, Rama declared.

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