Jihadists return disappointed by ISIS

11/08/2017 00:00

Jihadists joined ISIS in Syria and Iraq with the hope to find an ideal
religious environment, and now they are returning disappointed by what
they found there, according to Balkan Insight, which says that 250
jihadists have returned after staying in war areas.

An ethnic Bosnian tells about the brutality, poverty and repression in the territories ruled by Isis. “We didn’t have electricity, books or internet”, he says, adding that they had been forced to live with 50 dollars a month.

Many other Balkan believers went there for money. With the experience earned in the ‘90s, they showed to be valued assets for the Islamic forces in the Middle East. Fisnik, from Macedonia, was lured by the promise of being paid 2000 USD a month. He joined Al Nusra and then ISIS.

Although he had been part of former Yugoslav wars, Fisnik says the brutality in Syria was much more extreme. He decided to leave when his leaders ordered him to kill civilians, which he couldn’t do.

To secure freedom, he says he had been forced to kill five spies, as ISIS called them, including two women. Although most of them don’t admit they were there to fight, Balkan countries treat them same as all terrorists, after a series of laws that passed in 2015, which criminalized any involvement in foreign conflicts.

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