“January 21st”, case, Court published explanatory arguments for verdict

23/05/2016 00:00

The Supreme Court has published the explanatory arguments for the
“January 21st” verdict through which was rejected the Prosecution’s
request for sentencing the former National Guard commander, Ndra Prendi,
and the former National Guard officer, Agim Llupo.

In the 14-page verdict that Top Channel has secured, the Penal College composed of Edmond Islamaj, Aleksander Muskaj, Guxim Zenelaj, Shkelzen Selimi and Artan Zeneli only explains the path that the case has followed from the First Instance to the Court of Appeal.

The Penal College has only one paragraph to explain the verdict given three years after the appeal was filed.

The College says that after hearing the respective relation and after discussing the case in general, decided to reject the appeal presented at the Tirana Prosecution of Appeal.

The Supreme Court mentions the fact that Prendi was found not guilty for the intentional murder of the Court of First Instance, specifically for the murder of protester Faik Myrtaj. While Agim Llupo was found not guilty for the murder of Ziver Veizi.

The College reminds that the two National Guard officials were sentenced for manslaughter, Prendi with 1 year in prison and Llupo with three years.

The Supreme Court says that with the appeal against the verdict for Ndrea Prendi, the Prosecution wanted him to be sentenced for murder, since the bullet found in the victim’s body has come out of his gun, and Prendi was fully aware of his actions.

The Court adds that Prendi has claimed to be not guilty for intentional murder since he didn’t know the victim and was not informed about his whereabouts the moments he shot him.

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