Italy” We will support Albania

07/05/2012 00:00

Although led by a technical government, our EU member neighbor, Italy,
has not changed the policy of constant support to Albania.

The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Monti, confirmed this to Prime Minister Sali Berisha during an official visit that the head of the Albanian government had held in Rome.

As regards the political support for the country’s EU integration, Monti left no room for assumptions and he valued as very important a closer cooperation between the government and the opposition.

“I have expressed my evaluation to Prime Minister Berisha for all efforts held by the Albanian government for the reforms that bring the country closer to the European Union. It is also very necessary to have a determinate political will and a constant dedication from the government and opposition alike for allowing Albania to make further progress, which is needed for fulfilling the EU goals. I have confirmed that as regards the Albanian government, we will keep our constant and strong engagement in favor of the European perspective of Albania”, Monti declared.

“We discussed about cooperation in all fields, especially in Albania’s support by Italy for the EU integration, a support that has always been very strong. I thanked the Italian Prime Minister for this support, and  I guaranteed him that we will take this process as based on merit and performance”, Berisha declared.

Both Prime Ministers, who know each other for a long time, due to the previous functions, expressed their pleasure for the relations between both countries, by promising to encourage the economic cooperation even further.

Italy keeps holding the first place as Albania’s economic partner and for commercial exchange. The Italian Prime Minister declared that there will be even increases. The same goes for the financial help that Italy has given to Albania for the under development projets.

“Regardless the constant need of Italy for keeping the public expenses under control, the activity of the Development Cooperation in Albania keeps being very considerable”, Monti continued.

“Each day more, Albania is becoming a partner of this big country. I guarantee that we will become each year more an important partner, with all its potentials”, Berisha declared.

Both Prime Ministers shared the same opinion for the Albanian community in Italy, the second largest extra communitarian group, with 500.000 emigrants. As Monti declared, it is one of the best assimilated communities in Italy.

Berisha also met the Italian President, Giorgio Napolitano, who declared that the prejudice towards Albanians in Italy is completely over now.

Napolitano also valued as very important the economic position of Albania, which will keep growing regardless the international crisis.

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