Italy to support funding of Tirana’s Orbital Forest

08/01/2018 19:45

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, has signed an agreement with Italy to fund the creation of the Orbital Forest, which includes planting 2 million trees around Tirana and also adding green spaces in 23 areas of the capital, in both its suburbs and urban areas.

“I am looking forward to having this agreement enter into effect so that we can start contracting those who will produce our project. I believe that by 2030 we will have more trees in Tirana than when we took our duty. Not only in the suburbs, but also in the urban areas of the city. This project will be the product of this funding that comes from the Italian Cooperation, to which I am very grateful”, Veliaj said.

The Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, appealed all private and public institutions to join the initiative for planting new trees. He underlined that this agreement is another fruitful cooperation with Italy.

“This agreement continues the great relations between our countries, and of course, the relations of  Tirana with Italy. We are cleaning the city with a public company between the Municipality of Tirana and that of Verona. We are cooperating with the city of Florence for bikes and bicycle lanes. We made an urban plan with architects from Milan, and we are working with the region of Puglia for our aqueducts. This is just a brick on the fantastic relations that Albania has with Italy, but especially Tirana. This cooperation is being translated into public goods benefiting citizens on a daily base”, the Tirana Mayor said.

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