Italian Prosecutor to Tirana: “There has been higher drug traffic”

01/12/2016 00:00

The Antimafia Prosecutor of Lecce, Cataldo Motta, held a meeting with
the Prosecutor General, Adriatik Llalla, and a team of prosecutors from
the Serious Crimes Prosecution.

When asked by Top Channel about the drug traffic from Albania to Italy, Motta said that the increased traffic requires intensive cooperation.

His visited Albania a few days after the Serious Crimes asked Italian authorities to assist with air images of cannabis plantation.

An efficient border control was the focus of talks between the Interior Minister, Saimir Tahiri, with the Antimafia Prosecutor of Lecce, Cataldo Motta, and the Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic, Guglielmo Cataldi.

In this meeting they discussed the significance of the Italian police through their missions in Albania, as a strong testimony of cooperation and guarantee for transparency.

The parties also underlined that an efficient border control will prevent illegal actions. They underlined the understanding between Italy and Albania for increasing cooperation in security and fight against terror, and for increasing the ability of police forces in both countries.

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