Italian Justice Minister thanks Albanian authorities for Seiti’s extradition

31/01/2018 21:28

The Italian Minister of Justice, Andrea Orlando, thanked the Albanian authorities for the extradition of Nezar Seiti to Italy, where he is being investigated for being part of a criminal group involved in drug traffic.

Seiti was extradited at a time when he was being considered key witness for the Habilaj-Tahiri case.

“I want to thank the Albanian authorities, which responded immediately to the request of the Italian authorities. His extradition is in full accordance with international commitments, which are obligatory for the Italian and Albanian authorities, based on the European Convention of extradition, dated December 13th 1957, and the mutual agreement signed in Tirana on December 3rd, 2007. This allows the Italian authorities to conduct a full investigation on serious facts that are part of an ongoing case in the Prosecution of Catania, without any prejudice regarding the parallel investigations that are being conducted in Albania, which would actually benefit from cooperation with the Italian authorities, a cooperation based on the conventions for judiciary assistance which are into effect between our countries”, the Italian Minister declared.

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