Israeli students will learn about Albania’s contribution in schools

18/01/2017 00:00

History books in Israeli schools will have a special chapter for the Contribution of Albanians.

The Vice Speaker of the Albanian Parliament, Valentina Leskaj, attended the day for Albania at the Israeli Parliament, Knesset. The head of this institution, Yuli-Yoel Edelstein, valued Albania’s role for saving and hiding Jewish people during WWII.

“We appreciate with gratitude the fact that Albania was the only country in Europe that had the number of Jews increased 10-fold after the World War II. This fact tells everything”, Eldestein said.

He underlined the significance of increasing cooperation in areas of mutual economic interest, such as energy, innovation, agriculture and Tourism.

Mrs.Leskaj praised the close friendly relations between both people, with deep roots in historic realities, and underlined the historic act of Albanians who defended the Jewish people during WWII.

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