The Chairman of the Parliamentary Group of Economy, Erion Brace, asked
the government to investigate the financial transactions through which
the former Prime Minister’s daughter has bought property in Porto Romano
with the Bosnian businessman, Damir Fazlic.
“I have a question for the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finances. When will you put under control the transactions made by Damir Fazlic and Argita Malltezi through the years? When will the investigators knock on these people’s doors for their activity within the Albanian territory, and verify every banking transaction made in this country, and calculate all legal obligations?”, declared MP Erion Brace.
The investigative network BIRN has published facts showing that Argita Malltezi and people close to the former Prime Minister have profited 1.75 million EUR from the sale of properties at the Porto Romano area, since they had information that it would turn into an energy park.
“300 days were enough to put these transactions uner control, together with other transactions that have not been revealed”, Brace added.
Besides the investigations for these transactions, the Head of the Commission of Economy asked the government to intervene and change the monopoly agreements of concessions in some services, mainly fiscal, signed by the former government.
“Within this year, the government must do both, review the law for concessions and the public-private partnership, in a more careful way, without additional costs for the citizens of the Albanian Republic, and review the government agreements”, declared the Head of the Commission of Economy, Brace.
A few days ago, the Minister of Economic Development, Arben Ahmetaj, declared that if the government will take a decision to repeal the concessions that were given without transparency by the past government, the cost for the budget might go to 250 million EUR.
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