Nothing will be quiet for the commission that will investigate the drug traffic accusations in the army premises.
“We will follow the law implementation in this issue by collecting all institutional data about thee case. I want to guarantee the members that we will orient iour further investigation on the information that will derive from these documents. Everyone will be summoned to testify based on what will come out from these documents”, declared the Head of the Commission, Ermonela Felaj.
“No one is accusing the Armed Forces. We are accusing the government, which has allowed the usage of the military facilities for the service of drug traffic. You have decided with your majority votes to move the object on the Armed Forces, and then you pretend to be defenders and to guarantee that the accusations are unfounded. We are against the commission, for which we in fact are being paid”, declared the Democratic Party member of the Commission, Gent Strazimiri.
Although the first introduction didn’t go well, everyone must take an oath in the second time to not reveal any secret after taking confidential military and Secret Service documents.
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