Investigate Obama Admin meddling in Macedonia, US senators ask Secretary Tillerson

15/03/2017 00:00

Six US senators have requested Secretary of State Rex Tillerson investigates interference of US diplomats from Obama administration in the internal political affairs of Macedonia. They demanded the current administration stops the practice of financing nonprofit organizations abroad headed by Open Society Foundation of George Soros.

This is a second letter coming from Washington, after earlier 7 congressmen requested an investigation to grants given by US Embassy and USAID in Macedonia, and the discharge of Ambassador Jess Baily.

“Unfortunately we have reliable information that during the latest years, the American mission in Shkupi has meddled actively in the political processes there, as well as in the media and civic society, often favoring leftist groups”, they say in the letter, signed by republican senators Mike Lee, Ted Cruz, Tom Tillis, James Inhofe, David Perdue and Bill Cassidy.

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