Tirana, one of the symbolic capitals of religious harmony, will host in
the first week of September an international meeting for peace, for the
20th anniversary of the end of the last war in Balkan. The event will
have more than 5000 participant from around the world for three days.
“In thouse three days, Tirana will be the world capital of trust”, declared the Albanian Minister of Social Welfare, Erjon Veliaj.
The representatives of the religious communities have given their messages for this activity that focuses on peace in a time when crimes are committed in many countries of the world on behalf of religion. Albania wants to promote an important value, that of religious co-existence.
“”Isis and what is happening in other countries of the world shows that the conflicts are not caused by religious differences. It is not caused by people who come from different religions but who believes in peace, respect and harmony between different people. Conflicts come from those groups of people who believe in an infrastructure and philosophy of violence, for imposing an opinion as a system”, Veliaj declared.
The Minister of Social Welfare declared that on September 6th, 7th and 8th, Tiarna will be the capital of the world of trust. During these days there will be 12 important activities that will be followed by representatives of important relgiions. The Mission of Sant Egidio has chosen Albania as a country wiith which they have early relations, but also because they want to show that these are not differences between religions, but differences between systems of values that promote peace despite their differences. The Albanian government will support this activity financially and by also providing the security infrastructure.
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