May 3rd was declared International Day of Press Freedom in 1993, by the UN Assembly.
This is celebrated in some countries of the world. In some others, journalists protest to defend media from attacks.
Invited on Top Channel’s news edition, Aleksander Cipa, leader of the Journalists’ Union, spoke about the media of 2018, when journalists are being seen many times as enemies.
Aleksandër Çipa: There is a climate around the world that is trying to challenge the integrity of journalists, especially their mission to serve the public interest. The ways that put them in danger are more sophisticated now. Against these challenges offered by other powers in democracies, we are committed to fight. As an organization, we make an appeal against the informality that dominates our media. We make an appeal to increase the professional integrity and courage. More investigative journalism is needed, more efforts to not be challenged by different versions that other powers are creating, hiding behind the so-called “citizens-journalists”. These are the reasons why the community of professional journalists in the world and in Albania are facing a new task, a new moment. There are more than 6200 persons in the world working for media outlets, 2600 of whom are journalists. The integrity and credibility of journalists has been faced many times with these new versions that are brought by new technology. Loyalty to what we call journalism principles; professional solidarity, self-regulating processes and the increased professional capacity could increase the authority of journalists and the media.
TCH: The Kosovo Association of Journalists made a protest today at the Zahir Pajaziti square. Why there are no such protests in our country as well?
Aleksandër Çipa: Local branches of the union have attended many activities. Two days ago the Union published shocking data about the first four months of 2018, regarding the movement of Albanian journalists and how unprotected they are. There is the chronic pay delay in many media outlets, etc”, Cipa said.
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